使用帶有 Curl 的緩衝輸出將文件上傳到 ftp 服務器 (Upload a file into a ftp server using buffered output with Curl)


使用帶有 Curl 的緩衝輸出將文件上傳到 ftp 服務器 (Upload a file into a ftp server using buffered output with Curl)

I want to upload a database backup file into an external ftp server using curl. I use postgres and pg_dump streams the content of file into buffered output. I tried 

echo pg_dump dbname| gzip" | curl ‑d @‑ ftp://user:pass@host:/pg_dump/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")_dump.gz

but it doesn't work. Any suggestion?


方法 1:

I tried 

pg_dumpall | gzip | curl ‑T ftp://user:pass@host:/pg_dump/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")_dump.gz 

and it worked.

(by burak emreburak emre)


  1. Upload a file into a ftp server using buffered output with Curl (CC BY‑SA 3.0/4.0)

#pg-dump #curl #libcurl #linux


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